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Old 2014-03-12, 10:49   Link #26
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by K. Shiruto View Post
So you're still taking his freakout before those grunts seriously? Usopp always freaks out at anything, no matter how measly it may be.
Except hundreds of fishmen... Who are by definition 10 times stronger than the average grunt... and Fishmen lieutenants, who are A LOT stronger than the average fishman grunt.

Oh and your still using the presence of his crew as an excuse? Robin was right there when he freaked out over those Dressrosa grunts; so having a companion with him did not help at all. And then there's Sugar; Even when Robin was still there he was thinking "if something happens I'm running". When Robin wasn't there; he still had the dwarves who are strong, but that didn't inspire and OUNCE of confidence in him as he hid and let them do all the work even though Robin was distracting the presumed bigger threat. And what about the fighting fish; he was acting like a coward even though he had both Robin and Law with him. Heck He's been thinking like a coward his entire time on dressrosa even when he had both Robin and Franky right next to him(when they were planning with the dwarves his thoughts were focused on running away). So no, Ussop's acts of cowardice in this arc has NOTHING to do with the presence of his crew because he's been acting like a coward even WITH them present.

Ussop has had companions around him all this time on dressrosa but has acted as a coward regardless. Your excuses for why he was brave on fishman island just isn't consistent with what's going on; similar situation, different results. And heck with an army of fishman, THAT seemed like the scary situation than most of the stuff Ussop has been freaking out over on Dressrosa; He didn't even THINK like a coward on Fishman island, much less act like one. There is NO indication that him abandoning the dwarves had anything to do with him being alone without robin because he was acting like a coward LONG before that, despite her presence.

Originally Posted by GreyZone
As was mentioned already, Usopp react differently depending on whether his crew is with him or not and other certain aspects. I already said it all in the discussion of the last chapter, but actually none of his "triggers" were activated so IMO it is only natural that he ran away. I can see now that contrary to what I believed last chapter, his behaviour now is probably unrelated to his past development, because this situation is completely different. For him the plan has no connection to his crew so it is not worth risking his life for, well at least until "the dwarves trust melted his selfish heart away". That is just the kind of person Usopp is.
Actually the plan DOES have a connection to his crew because of what everyone else is up too. Luffy, Zoro, and Franky are all fighting Doflamingo and his forces and are relying on ussop to pull of his part of the plan. Snaji and the others are also risking themselves in this battle as they work to keep Ceasar and Momonosuke out of Doflamingo's hands even while they are being chased by Big Mom. His cowardice in essence puts the rest of them at risk and makes their efforts pointless.

Not to mention that abandoning the dwarves is a seriously dick move...

Last edited by Slayerx; 2014-03-12 at 11:17.
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