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Old 2014-03-20, 23:08   Link #13
#1 Akashiya Moka Fan
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Where magic is real
Age: 35
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There's this little snarky voice in the back of my head that says part of the decrease in forum activity is because of how unrelenting the mods can be if you step out of line with the rules, and thus those that might be prone to punishment have decided to take their comments elsewhere (for the internet, Animesuki tends to be one of the more civil and rules-enforced places)

But probably the real reason is the time of year, and not the most top-of-the-line shows being produced... although having seen what's in store for Spring, it's also (IMO) looking pretty dismal, with barely a handful of shows sounding decent. Summer is probably when activity will go on the rise again.
Gifted...or Cursed?

R+V fanfic- Chapter 4 of A Water Bride and a Vampire is now up at!

All fans of Inner or Outer Moka, come join her fanclub!
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