Thread: Licensed + Crunchyroll Samurai Flamenco
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Old 2014-03-29, 13:13   Link #1387
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Join Date: Aug 2013
This was as good as ending as I wanted. Fun times. This was perfect closure for the series and the characaters. Everyone got a good ending, even if nothing really changed. Hazama is still a manchild chasing the pettiest offender, and Goto is still talking to his dead gf, but they improved on both things. Hazama finally realised that a hero can't solve everything. A hero can't save Haiji nor Goto.

I'm happy they never went and tried to somehow solve Hazama's parents death or Goto's gf's dissappearance, it'd have been a real blow to the show. Now that it's over it's easy to see that this was never made up on the go, as it might have seemed halfway through, but that everything was well thought and there's an actual thematic running through it.

On Hazama and Goto, I think they are one of those couples that never get together but still are otp. Like the ones in neverending series or in a romcom that is too succesful to actually get closure.

I hold Samurai Flamenco as my favorite series of the last few years, and best naked ending this season. 9/10
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