Thread: Licensed + Crunchyroll Samurai Flamenco
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Old 2014-03-30, 12:03   Link #1389
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2004
I finally got around watching the last episode, aaaand to echo RoboMambo above, it was everything I ever wanted from an ending for this series. It was just so utterly perfect, a great end for a great series. I could go on and on about it, but in the end it was just awesome. (I'm sure that if I read back there'll be some "ewwww GAAAAAYYY" and "omg why was it gayyyy" comments in there, so I won't read back.)

On the whole, Samurai Flamenco was a really really good show. There were some bumps on the road, but overall the writing and direction stayed rock solid, and while many people jumped ship after the Guillotine Gorilla incident, the series greatly rewarded those who had the interest and patience to stick with it (well, at least it greatly rewarded me). This is a very clever little show, and it's a shame that many people turned away from it just because it didn't stick with "slice of life" or "realism" (even though it was never those things). Even now I see people saying that they should've skipped the Flamengers/sentai bits, but really, why? Aside of the fact that those parts were thoroughly enjoyable, the show couldn't have ended up where it did without those.

Oh well, for those who jumped ship, it's their loss - Samurai Flamenco is one of my favorite recent series, and an overall great show. Props to everyone who was involved with it!

^especially Matsuda Toshiki. He was awesome as Masayoshi, and I hope we'll hear him in many many roles in the future.
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