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Old 2014-04-04, 04:25   Link #34257
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Rokkenjima
Age: 27
As for Battle22's question on how Battler can say in red that he witnessed Kinzo, when he didn't?

He thought he did. It was an illusion. A trick of the light. He was objectively wrong, but he was not being personally deceptive or dishonest. The Red Truth has always allowed for emotional and subjective truths. There is literally a Knox rule demanding they get to, if one puts stock in that stuff.
I understand that. But same can be said about the scene when Battler is being told that he is not the son of Asumu, right? He believes he is, so he...should be able to say the red, but he chocked. Shouldn't the same happen in the scene we are discussing now?
A not-so-average Umineko gameboard
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