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Old 2014-04-09, 10:29   Link #59
Join Date: May 2004
Originally Posted by Kanon View Post
That was a terrific chapter! So many awesome moments!

Although I loved this chapter, I have quite a few complaints. For starters, I don't like Sabo's design. He looks nothing like his kid self and looks too generic, basically Coby 2.0. I expected him to look more unique. Secondly, while it was inevitable that he would eat the mera mera fruit, I was disappointed he used Ace's signature attack. Hopefully, that was just a one-time thing to honor Ace and he's later going to incorporate his DF abilities into his own fighting style instead of becoming a clone of Ace. And finally, I'm bothered he's the n°2 of the revolutionary army, not only because this position should be reserved for someone with more experience, but also because it may create inconsistencies. Unless he's only risen through the ranks these past two years (which is totally plausible), it makes no sense for Ace and Luffy to have never heard of him. Dragon is the world's greatest criminal, his second in command must be amazingly famous and have a humongous bounty, everybody should know him. Luffy, I can understand being ignorant because he doesn't read the news and doesn't really give a damn what happens in the world, but in Ace's case, I don't buy it.

I was also annoyed that Usopp gained his followers in that fashion. It's Buggy all over again. I would have liked him to ear their respect thanks to his own merits. It was 100% luck he defeated Sugar.

Wait, on second thoughts, maybe this chapter isn't all that good...
luffy didn't even know who dragon was so of course he wouldn't know what happened to sabo

i don't think luffy and ace ever talked about sabo before together or the topic never came up so luffy wouldn't have found out from there

maybe sabo does a lot of things in secrecy or in the bg since he is so high up.

I will agree with u on the fast rank up with him though... what happened to all of dragon's original officers? I'm sure they were stronger than sabo.

usopp like buggy are annoying characters to me... but that's just my opinion
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