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Old 2014-04-12, 16:31   Link #1052
Me, An Intellectual
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: UK
Age: 33
So basically the MC's one established weakness has already been reduced to a mere technicality. Well I can't say I didn't see it coming though I didn't think it would be this soon. Still seems generally devoid of a personality, or at least a sympathetic and engaging one. The Imouto is still just "the imouto" and doesn't look like her character and role in the story will be less dependant on her precious oniichan anytime soon. On the plus side, I find all the other characters fairly engaging. The biggest points goes to the Disciplinary Committee President who made an insightful commentary on how the policing of Class 2 students from a Committee made up of only Class 1 students would increase tensions. Now if only they'd explain why these tensions exist in the first place, that'd be a good start. While they're at it I'd also kinda like them to explain why students are left policing other students with highly dangerous abilities (forum members don't need to).

I'm also struggling to understand what this show is really all about. So far it's all been about a bunch of students with magical abilities. It hasn't really made any headway into an identifiable plot so I hope something actually starts happening soon (again forum members don't need to say anything).
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