Thread: Windows 8
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Old 2014-04-14, 18:22   Link #586
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: event horizon
On my main machine: At the moment there's no game that drops bellow optimal, so why should I care about it and it's improvements? I would just be supporting idiotic design principles, have less optimal support (ie. chance of failure is higher on misc programs due to them not being made for 8), and as I've stated before the operating system is just all round harder to use. The fact I have to go out of my way to make it usable is another black mark on it. At least the apple fanboys have some legitimacy to their excuse for supporting apples rotten principles.

On low end systems: In the end what I want is just an operating system. The quicker it gets out of the way the better; take a guess which operating system to date is the worst in the "get out of the way" department. If I actually want performance windows XP uses less resources and runs better still while everything from vista onwards might as well have been written in java given how much ram they require; ram lower end systems typically dont have or dont have in large amount. "Omg but if you dont actually have any programs opened at all it's so smooth on low end systems!" There has never been a single instance where I would have not have favored having a shittier operating system but just a larger pool of free ram. And quite frankly, the best choice at the moment is to just use linux, all relatively new games run on it and the ones that dont require a beefy machine that couldn't care less for the operating system "improvements." I've found indies that aren't linux friendly to be quite the stupidly demanding ones (you'd be surprised how demanding even basic platformers can be). Productivity programs only suffer from "interface annoyances."

When they turn it into a linux then I'll care for "performance enhancements," and other "under the hood improvements." Tweaking as far as I'm concerned is just vaporware: it doesn't exist, or exists but is actually very specific and irrelevant 99% of real world cases. And ya that's fairly unfair/unreasonable to say normally, but it's microsoft we're talking about, the kings of vaporware.
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