Thread: Licensed + Crunchyroll Mushishi: The Next Chapter
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Old 2014-04-14, 19:58   Link #111
Join Date: Apr 2009
Man, 4 years after watching the first season, I still don't know why I like this show. I always try to objectively pin down why I like what I like and why I don't like what I don't like, and evaluate shows without bias. I've run Mushishi through my usual gamut of litmus tests, but they all turn up mostly blank. And reading through threads like these, I find out a lot of people seem to be in the same boat I am.

The only thing I can think of is that unlike nearly anything else I've seen, Mushishi doesn't seem to have any kind of agenda. It's not trying to push a certain theme, or tell a certain story, or even sell. There's no real plot, or theme, or moral divisions, or philosophy. It just is, like some kind of unbiased documentary. There seem to be messages and stories under every rock, but in the end, they all end up just being threads in some large tapestry of unknown purpose.

And it never tries to teach me anything, but I always feel like I learn something anyway.
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