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Old 2014-05-03, 15:39   Link #239
Join Date: May 2012
Age: 46
Originally Posted by sikvod00 View Post
Ouch. I have a severe case of whiplash from this episode's pacing. Well, to be fair my complaint has more to do with the rushed development of Livi and Nike's relationship. It's the best element of this show by a wide margin, so I wish they'd let the viewers savour it a bit more slowly. Oh, and Tomokazu Sugita as Neil is so hilarious!

Edit: Oh, and they played tender rain again...
probably that not gonna be the "last time we gonna hear that song" lol, looks like her "default" rain song.

based on the preview their changed the order of the arcs, that loli thief of shota king was supposed to appear before this arc, gonna be fun, see niki goes full jealous.

indeed that arc was a little rushed, but their managed to show what matter, i only miss who in the manga in the end she not just punch him but give him a great "lesson" for he never forget, and was livius who forgive him but her not full

niki: you send peoples to kill me??????? you gonna pay!!!!!.(and the last words in the manga are the guy screams).

overal good episode, looking foward to the next episode, really i'm not too much fun of shoujo but this shoujo really is special and interesting.

like i told before he can easy pass a shounen or seinen, with the type of characters are livi and niki.(very different from the cliche choujo archtypes).

and now livi and niki are officially married she is now the sun queen.
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