Thread: Licensed Kekkon Yubiwa Monogatari
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Old 2014-05-04, 07:15   Link #13
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: USA
It was a political marriage, she hadn't even been on the same planet for 10 years so it makes sense that there wouldn't be any emotional attachment. Additionally demons are invading the castle to assasinate Satou so sure the marriage would have brought additional power/authority but it would also mean your life is at risk at all times.

Given he probably doesn't love Hime and the knowledge that being the Ring King is pretty dangerous, it makes sense that a person would not want to have to deal with that if someone else was willing to step up. It's still early but it wouldn't surprise me if he is honestly okay with the situation, he's got a good life and not everyone wants to be a hero.
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