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Old 2006-03-26, 07:00   Link #40
Vampie Walrus. Big fangs
Join Date: Oct 2004
I thought WWE was on weeknight early-mid evening timeslots. My roomate would always have his comrades over to watch it in after supper. Oh, well.

And for god sakes let's stop the Kanon vs Air lameass crap right now. Seriously, that's the type of stuff that makes everyone look like a bunch of snivelling children.

That said, assuming the episode count is at 13 is it possible to properly fit everything in that? It's true that the last one didn't get absolutely everything but they did manage to fit a lot however you look at it.

And I also pray that they sometime make a Planetarian anime. First vbook to make me cry. That thing so needs an OAV or a movie. A TV series may be a bit too long. I'd also prefer OAV for the bigger budget. Not that they'd need to spend a fortune on VA's.
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