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Old 2014-05-08, 02:28   Link #74
Maddo Scientisto
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: UK
Originally Posted by c933103 View Post
I think the method of cheating in blackjack via maths become well known is just because there're some people written books on it and there are also TV programmes and internet that help spread that. Don't think there will be many people knowing it 100 years ago, not to mention Elcheia is at the age that books are valuable.
Well, that's true, but Steph clearly has studied lots of stuff, maths included. While the specific trick Sora was using was rather peculiar, the simple concept of counting cards in a game that is played with a single deck is pretty straightforward. Anyone with some basic knowledge of math would realize that much.

Not that I mind too much, it's just another nonsensical thing - like Zoro's impossibly bad sense of direction in One Piece, Steph is simply TERRIBLE at games, no matter what. But given all she said I can't blame the Blank siblings for thinking she was an idiot .
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