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Old 2014-05-27, 15:51   Link #157
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Spain
Despite the pacing issues I liked this arc. Ending it like this is a bit disappointing and leaves a lot of questions unanswered to go back to the satus quo. Hopefully the next arc gives us a little more info on things like shadow metal and follows Misaki and Mitori alliance.

It really bothers me that Kamachi went by the "Misaki erases everyone memories of the incident" route since it's seems like a cop-out. Don't even let me start on the missed oportunities of Saten, Uiharu and Kuroko (without memories) meeting Touma, which could have been used more (though with the pacing we have I understand sticking only to essential things).

7/10 for a somewhat lackluster ending.
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