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Old 2014-06-03, 10:53   Link #6
1982 tuga
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Portugal
(Sorry I was away for so long, I had troubles changing my password as required by animesuki.)

Thak you all for your help.

About my decision on that fateful day, what can I say... basically I woke up early that day and for some reason I decided to force shutdown... Now I realize that was a terrible mistake.

My brother - who knows a LOT more about computers than me - gave me a Win7 ISO (not my installation disk , the OME thingy or something...) to try and repair Windows 7, although from what he told me it probably won't do much, and you all might agree... I'm still worried it might go wrong, hence my hesitation in trying the repair...
I even thought of cloning the disk, but that will also cloning the current Windows errors, right?

I really should have done it before the failure... that and a normal system backup (now I learned mt lesson ).

The way I see it I'll probably have to reinstall Windows 7 and all the software manually. What bothers me even more is that I was about to buy an HD video capture card and a second internal HDD.
Then I thought of replacing my current first HDD (the one that gave "reallocated sector count" error only 6 months after buying the PC, WAY before this mistake of mine).
What do you think, should I still use it to reinstall Win7? Is this error a "minor" error? I have to admit, this HDD has been working fine since that error but I'm still afraid it will break at any moment.

Originally Posted by sa547 View Post
@tugatosmk: do you use an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), or have the PC directly plugged into the outlet? If it's the latter, then you really have a problem because power surges will slowly kill your hardware.
I don't have UPS, fortunately grid power failures (brownouts?) have become a thing of the past, the last time it happened was over 3 years ago, I think. I live in an apartment building, so my faster usually checks the outlets voltage for the 220~230 V value and so far there hasn't been any prolonged power surges.

Rapid power spikes, however, sometimes happen, but it's rare. Does it really harm Windows that much? Over the 23 years of having PCs in this apartment these rare small power surges happened but all other Windows on the previous PCs never had this kind of error, even my current father PC with Windows Vista.
"Nous dirigeons vers un système planétaire inconnu..."
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