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Old 2006-03-31, 11:48   Link #9
I desire Tomorrow!
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: As far away from reality as possible
Age: 41
Originally Posted by Jinto Lin
Imagine a sphere of steel the size of the earth, and imagine a fly that is landing every once a 1000 years on it. Imagine the time it would take for the fly to carry off the whole sphere due to friction. That time is still nothing compared to infinity.
(its a special hypothetical space fly, so it won't have the attrition effect on itself and a endless life)

Nobody who understands the meaning of infinity would like to live an endless life
I can always climb off a cliff if I get SO bored as you suggest you know But I doubt it.

And show me one who knows the meaning of infinity so that I might ask him
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