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Old 2006-04-01, 00:37   Link #17
Kinny Riddle
Gone for Good
Join Date: Apr 2004
This mirrors the fight Ichigo had with Kenpachi. Back then, Zangetsu encourages Ichigo to trust him and draw power from him. Zangetsu probably doesn't have any malice towards Ichigo, but for a hybrid like Ichigo, the side-effect of drawing too much power from Zangetsu means Wichigo gets a chance to take over.

Now the "Kenpachi" within Ichigo's sub-conscience is encouraging Ichigo to embrace his "desire for battle", i.e. to stop being over-reliant on the Soul Cutter and trust his own shinigami power.

Seems like Ichigo has found the balance between his Soul Cutter and his own abilities.
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