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Old 2014-07-11, 01:57   Link #2385
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Join Date: Mar 2014
Originally Posted by relentlessflame View Post
I don't think the intention of his comment to Sena was "after we graduate, then we'll start dating". It was not a pledge or a promise. But rather that, at that time, he didn't think about dating anyone because the club was foremost on his mind, hence he didn't intend to even consider it until after graduation (since he assumed the present situation would continue, and when they graduate the club would dissolve). But the whole overarching plot of this recent volume is that the club is basically dissolving now because the need for it is over. And the whole situation at the end pushes that suddenly to the fore. He can no longer hide behind the club as a reason to put off the advances of the girls in his life, and Yukimura made the first and boldest move. And it's not like he spent a great deal of deep thought into the choice he made, like he was deciding on the person he was going to marry and live with for the rest of his life. But the tables are turning pretty quickly.

I don't think it's any sort of slap or insult, and it doesn't negate anything that came before. It's just a combination of circumstances that led to the turning point. There's more to what's going on than just that closing cliffhanger taken out of context.

(And well, I totally disagree about Oreimo as well, but I won't get into that in this thread.)
First not so much since Sena made the first move (which is just as bold as kissing him since she did it in front of the whole club) and do you really belive there is no more need for the club? Yozora is still her own stubborn self (at least she is starting to change since Sena and Kodaka confessed to each other) and accepting that she has friends is still difficult for her (and from the spoilers it seems that her problems are just waived off), Yukimura doesn't really think much of anyone else in the club except Kodaka (going as far as not really thinking of them as friends, also all she did was what Kodaka told her to do, yeah you can say she befriended Yusa but still sje had no character development at all seemmingly until the latest volume), Kobato is still too clingy to Kodaka to try and make friends or accept people as friends, if anything the only.ones who have made and progress are Kodaka, Sena, Rika and Maria who since the beginning have been the ones who tried to make friends, while the others just focused on Kodaka and nothing more.

All he does is to try and keep the club togethwr and all of a sudden none of that matters? It just doesn't make sense. I'm not asking for a perfect conclusion to their character arcs all I want is something that makes sense and at least feels complete.

(I would give a more thought out answer but it's late at night where I live and I'm using my smartphone.)

Last edited by Chosen_Hero; 2014-07-11 at 02:31.
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