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Old 2014-07-11, 12:10   Link #2388
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
Originally Posted by Chosen_Hero View Post you really belive there is no more need for the club? [...]
Well, this is clearly what the next volume is going to cover. The way the volume was going was implying that they didn't need the club any more, which led to the end. But there are a whole lot of issues still on the table, as you point out. It's almost guaranteed that the end of this arc is going to be a quasi-return to the status quo and "life goes on" with some issues resolved and some issues not, and Yukimura making this move is going to be the catalyst (indirectly) for the club to continue. If Kodaka realizes that the club is still needed, he may well tell Yukimura to wait also, and then it just means that the race is on in earnest, and the rivalries have stepped up a notch. If the author is going to end the novel in the next volume after all, that'd be a pretty fitting place to end it (even if people hate these sorts of endings).

Basically, the story isn't over yet. Let's wait to see what happens. People are over-emphasizing a cliffhanger that is clearly meant to be shocking, and taking it totally at face value. (And also over-simplifying the story to make it entirely about who Kodaka ends up dating.)
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