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Old 2014-07-16, 18:03   Link #2397
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Originally Posted by Somethindarker View Post
Wow, have you guys not been reading the posts for the last few weeks? Kodaka was blindsided by her. She pinned him against the wall confessed her love for him while crying then kissed him for 10 seconds. Just before that Kodaka had quit the club to preserve the girls' friendship without him standing in the way. He was already deep in thought contemplating how Rika was the only girl there who saw him for who he was not some prize to one up another girl, or an ideal to strive for.

Then Yuki comes in does her thing and in a daze he responded. No malice, no "back stabbing" just a boy caught off guard. It's not like Yuki didn't have a chance, Kodaka himself was incredibly attracted to her even when he thought she was a boy. Sena does love him but there was always that "I gotta beat Yozora" thing Yozora was in love with the idea of Taka not with Kodaka himself.

Let's face it Maria, Kate, Aoi and Kobato never had a chance. As someone before pointed out Rika is the narrator of the story as she's the only one in the cast who refer's to herself as "Boku" the all the girls use "Atashi" and Kodaka uses "Ore". Rika and Yuki were the only real contenders from the beginning they both wanted to be with him from the start no matter the other girls. Plus there's still 1 year left in high school for the lot of them alot can happen.

edit; Also Kodaka himself said he was in love with Rika right before Yukimura confessed. He was attracted to Sena the most but that's just lust. As soon as he confessed to Sena I knew she was out of the running thinking Yozora was gonna win in like 3-4 more chapters but then the author lost it.
1. Kodaka only ever noticed and commented on how cute Yukimura was, he never said he loved her, liked yes but not loved and it was never shown to be love.

2. He said he loved Sena and with the way he said it, it wasn't made to feel like it was only physically (you can love someone for both their true self and physically), when Sena confessed she admitted her true feelings which lead me into my next point...

3. The whole "him being a prize to one up the other girls" thing (if it is in the volume) and then leaving the club sounds like an asspull because Kodaka already knew that they had been "competing" for him, so him acting like this after he was confessed by Sena (who like I said admitted her true feelings for her and at that tine wasn't thinking in any way or form about one upping anyone) and then confessing back to her, which everyone in the club knew was said and done, add ti that that they must have known that he clearly stated he wouldn't date anyone in the club, makes it seems like an asspull if they for some reason started the "competition" once again out of the blue, also why would Kodaka give up so easily on the very thing he is trying to protect? All this does is make Kodaka look like an lying indecisive asshole.

4. What is this whole "Rika is the only one who saw him for who he was" thing? She was part if the so called "competition" the only thing that changed was that she became his friend and after all the times he rejected her, calling her an idiot and only treating her like a friend he suddenly loves Rika? If this is mentioned in the volume sounds like another asspull and anofher reason Kodaka seemed to have turned into an indecisive asshole in this volume.

5. The whole "caught him by surprise thing" is not an excuse, Sena also caught him by surprise in the clubroom with her confession, only difference was one was serious about her confession the other had to resort to crying and stealing a kiss, oh look another asspull.

6. Like it has been mentioned, Sena had development to the teeth, Yukimura had next to none (from what I've read in the thread she got minimal develoment in the latest volume, which is still not enough to compare to the others), Rika got develoment but more in the friendship direction, apart from Sena Yozora was the other one to get a lot of development (all of which only pointed to a bad end for her) but it wasn't even close to the development Sena got, I agree with you that it seems the whole thing got oit of thw authors hand but how the hell do you dismiss/overlook so much character development on the Sena and Kodaka front and choose to partially (if you can even call it that) develop a character (i'm guessing not even in half of the volume) a character mind you that has been a mystery for literally the whole series and have her pull something like this (which seems very out of character) and settle on something that alienates your readership in such a way that makes any development so far meaningless?

Now as has been mentioned theu are only spoilers and might be wrong (I don't know if they are since I haven't read the volume) but if they turn out to be true as I said this volume will only serve to basically and literally make any other development in the whole series meaningless and that's not a feeling I like to have when I invest so much time I to something, I'm not asking for the story I want to be told, all I'm asking for is to have a story that actually makes sense in a comprehensive way when I read it and that doesn't include a whole volume made to throw away everything that's been built up because the author got tired of the series (which it feels like that's what happened and the author decided to troll the fanbase) or it didn't go as the author planned and the ending he wanted wouldn't work anymore so he had to asspull it in the end to get something kinda similar or satisfactory for himself and himself only (at least that's the feeling I get).
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