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Old 2014-07-19, 23:17   Link #1270
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Originally Posted by Esclair View Post
Except I don't think she considers the regional Lords 'her' people.
I have no reason to believe she wouldn't consider them her people. They might not think the same about her, but she's the princess and seems to take her role pretty seriously. Or so it seemed....

Also, she places stopping the war at a much higher priority than anything else, so I don't see why she'd hesitate to follow along a plan that might help achieve her goal.
Fighting her own people isn't going to stop any war. Actually, it could make things worse.

She probably thought Inaho's plan was her best bet to get in contact. If they defeat the suit she could still use the communication device and of course it gave her the opportunity to reveal herself, although that backfired since Trilliam wanted to kill her in the first place.
There was no hint whatsoever that she wanted to make contact with Trillram. She only showed herself when there was no other option, and only to buy time for Inaho to attack, an attack that could have resulted in the pilot's death. And Trillram didn't try to kill her. He froze completely when he saw her.
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