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Old 2006-04-05, 11:18   Link #26
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2006
Originally Posted by Devilen
each does better on diffent points ... HiME had a much more person-fixed look ... it was about the HiMEs ... and then the others ... whereas Otome as about the otomes and the world surrounding them and using them as living chess pieces ... theres a diffent ... HiME was more mircoemotionel theme whereas Otome had the diffent counties and their prime chess pieces in a more macroemotionel theme
Thats true... equal in a sense, but its really based on personal personal preference isn't it, For example I think that MH is better than MO because for me I actually prefer a microemotional theme as you call it, coz it shows the details, the nitty-gritty stuff..

Originally Posted by Devilen
in my opinion it is a problem that people sees Otome as the sequel to HiME and not a independent story which though is roughy based personel ...

in my opinion it is like if you have 2 hollywood movies with roughly the same actors and then call the newest bad because the former had the same actors
Yeah i think the general consensus is that it was good on its own.. but its hard when the characters (mind you, not actors, but characters--actors play the characters, if you get what I mean) are not roughly the same; they ARE the same And anyhow the purpose of this thread is to compare both the series..

Last edited by Lost; 2006-04-05 at 11:32.
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