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Old 2014-09-21, 15:02   Link #9106
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Age: 38
Wow, Ravens tried to give away that game so many times. Elam, especially, nearly cost us the game multiple times, including when Hoyer threw a deep pass, the receiver caught it, and Elam just stopped and let him get up and start running again instead of tagging him. Then there was the 3-1 and 4-1 plays where we couldn't convert, because 30 yards is easy but 1 yard is impossible.

In the end, the Browns were only able to play 55 minutes of football and their offense sputtered.

Also, Jacksonville, if you're this bad against the normally bad and currently wounded Indy defense at home, how are you going to put up with San Diego on the road?
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