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Old 2014-10-14, 02:42   Link #9186
World's Greatest
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: San Francisco
Age: 36
Great win tonight for the 49ers. We played rough early, but turned it around right before the half and never really looked back. Colin had one of his best games. Threw for over 300 yards and three touchdowns all to different receivers. Only put the ball up 36 times. Would have had four if Vernon didn't sabotage Vance McDonald's endzone catch. Oy. Both those guys were stinking up the joint. Anyways, Greg Williams is Colin's best friend. He constantly blitzes with his defenses, which is the worst thing you could do against Colin as he'll make you pay for it. We didn't run the ball that well unfortunately. The Rams definitely shut us down in that area. We gave both Hyde and Gore a decent amount of carries. Couldn't do anything though. Iupati got hurt, but we still should have been able to get a yard on three straight attempts. That's on the players.

The defense brought the lumber. Sacked Austin Davis 5 times. Ahmad Brooks looked like Ahmad Brooks for the first time all year. Perrish Cox continues to be the biggest surprise this year. All in all a nice performance after initially crumbling early. Way to bounce back. Harbaugh has really got this team focused despite all the nonsense that has been put out there by the media. Beat two 5-1 teams and climbed out of a 1-2 start. Next week is at Denver. May not have a lot of our key players. Now Willis and Iupati are nicked up. Ahmad Brooks might be the only starter from our linebacker group next week. At least Aaron Lynch has looked good for a rookie. Manning might kill us. I think it's going to be up to the offense to try and get us a win. I definitely don't want everyone frothing at Manning breaking Brett Favre's record. At least not in a win. I hope we spoil the party. Then we'll have a bye. Even if we lose 4-3 wouldn't be bad heading into the bye and then getting the Rams at home. Should be interesting.

"Every light must fade, every heart return to darkness!"
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