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Old 2014-10-28, 14:59   Link #17
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: East Cupcake
Decent first episode. Some solid world building (with some nice Easter eggs), albeit a little too expository at times, mixed with some solid character beats, good horror and decent acting. The emphasis on a character POV that immediately leaves the show is a little disconcerting, but obviously the actress or the character just didn't click, so the creators added some scenes and bumped her from the series. Thankfully, she wasn't simply replaced without any real word starting next episode; the creators actually seem to have re-shot the ending just to set-up a new character who will take the place of the recently departed.

Constantine isn't Hellblazer, but then again there is no way it could be on network television. (Which is kind of silly when you think about it, considering characters like Peter Griffith are just as bad if not worse than the comic version of Constantine, yet we will never get to see that version of Constantine on screen (at least not on NBC).) Still this adaptation is a lot of fun, and while rough Ryan nails a strong part of Constantine. Consider me officially eager to see just what will come next.

Originally Posted by Magin View Post
I personally enjoyed the first episode, and after some reading up on the comics... well, I'm curious as to where they're going to go with this, especially the Astra and NewCastle plotline. The only fear I currently have is whether or not this show will be cancelled prematurely, since that seems to be the fate of any show about the supernatural on NBC.
Hopefully the connection to DC will keep the show alive for at least the first season.
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