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Old 2014-10-30, 15:38   Link #6
Kana Hanazawa ♥
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: France
Age: 37
That was the most shocking episode of the whole series. Hell, that was the most shocking episode of any anime this year, period. My jaw was on the floor by the end of it.

Shock value aside, I have some issues with this episode. Aoyanagi was retarded. She saw that the dominator didn't work on the obviously crazy guy in the previous episode. She manages to get a nail gun in this one. What does she do? Instead of shooting at him with the nail gun or simply threatening him with it, she drops it and goes out of her way to get her dominator only to act shocked it doesn't work. Seriously? That was already bad enough, but it happened not once but twice. After stabbing the man with a glass shard, she went to get her dominator again. It makes no sense. Before anybody replies she did that because she firmly believes in the system, I'm going to come out and say I don't buy that argument. It's not a matter of believing in the system, it's a matter of common sense. If something doesn't work, it's safe to assume it's malfunctioning. No matter how infallible a piece of electronics is supposed to be, there can still be rare cases where it malfunctions. It happens. Trying the same thing three times is plain stupid.

And you'd think that after the whole Makishima fiasco, Sibyl would have thought up some kind of counterplan against asymptomatic people. But nope, inspectors still can't do anything without their dominators. You'd think they would have included a manual override by now. Wasn't it said in the first season that the reason drones didn't replace inspectors was because the human factor was still needed? In the end, humans are the ones who make the decision to pull the trigger or not. I'm not seeing that. Replace them people like Aoyanagi or Division three with drones and nothing would change. This episode was proof of that.

I get the point the series is trying to make, but it's way too heavy handed. The writing has no subtlety whatsoever.

Now, let's talk about Mika. Oh boy, Mika. Not only is she a blind sheep and a whiner, she's also a coward afraid of acting on her own. She complained Akane doesn't let her do anything (THE NERVE), and yet when she had the opportunity to call the shots, she didn't because she was scared she would be blamed if something went bad. It's her goddamn fault this happened. I can only hope she'll reflect on that, but most likely not.
Rize and Kaneki
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