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Old 2014-11-02, 16:44   Link #11920
Aquaman OS
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2008
Originally Posted by weirdguy View Post
But exactly what did the show focus on him about? Especially as a character. What was really focused on about Kira besides him appearing on screen?
Nothing. But you could say the same thing about Shinn. He started out an angry bitter person lashing out at the world because of his personal issues, and ended exactly the same way. He showed hints of possibly developing from this, but they were always quickly reversed. His entire development only happens in the final plus where instead of continuing to hold onto his grudges and let them feed him like he did the entire show, he was able to move on.

Honestly the only one who develops at any point before suddenly at the last minute is Athrun, who is shown lost in his new environment now in peacetime where Cagalli has little time for him and he's mostly viewed as an outsider in Orb and longing to be back in Zaft where he's well known and can be a big part of it, only to find that he's changed thanks to his experiences being with Orb and the TSA and no longer fits in with Zaft, and returns to Orb content that he can make it work and it's better for him there anyway.

And even that was handled halfassed and poorly with Athrun switching from being pissed at Kira and co and largely pro Zaft to suddenly taking their side with no major development prompting this.

Development and plot is not one of Destiny's strong points. Half the show just seems like poorly planned out excuses for the cast to pick fights with each other.
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