Thread: Licensed World Trigger [Manga]
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Old 2014-11-03, 14:32   Link #59
James Rye
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Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Germany
Since the chapter 56-58 got uploaded in english, I will give my 5 cents to what I think of them. Surely the quality is not the best, but given time it might get better with more practise. For now I am just happy to have a couple translated WT chapters to read and talk about.^^

Chapter 56

What I liked about this chapter was that it showed us how Kikuchihara, who was always very arrogant in almost every scene we have seen him till now even more than Kitora, was actually th "lame guy" in Border. He had a sideability and then it was a "useless" C ranked one. I liked that we get to see the rankings of the side-abilities who don't seem to be that rare, albeit I have a hard time to imagine sideabilities for A and B rank. C is Kikuchihara's amazing ears while Jin's side effect to forsee the future is defintely a S-class ability. Pretty sure we get to see other agents, most likely among the A and B ones, who got A, B and C abilities. And maybe one more S sideeffect for good measure.

I was surprised to see Usami working for Team Kazama in the past as operator = working for HQ branch. Or maybe this was before Usami left for Tamakoma or Kazama said he wants to work for HQ and Usami didn't wanted to. That does seem to tell that teams can fall apart or new ones can easily be build up in the rank wars. Ashihara himself said that the team number varies in the rank wars as new might form while others might stop being a team.
I like that, it might mean that someday Team Osamu might have a member leaving them or that new ones will join them and such. A good system to keep the "blood" fresh in the teams, till they had found the perfect team for themselves.

Also this chapter showed how important Operators are, given that without Usami's programm they would not have been able to share Kikuchi's enhanced ear sense. Though why are all operators girls so far? It does kind of make sense as I guess not a lot of girls would like to fight in the frontfield but I would have expected a couple more guy operators as well. Maybe Team Osamu will get a male operator?

This whole thinking and guessing what the opponent is trying to do or what his skills are or to find out what abilities they could and such reminded me a lot of HxH where it was also important to hide your assests till you made full use of them, at best surprising your enemy and taking him out. Here we had Enedra being confused how they were able to avoid getting hit by his attacks, till he tried it out with several fake ones to see that they were indeed able to hear from where he would attack. Team Kazama was waiting for Enedra to get impatient as they could easily see what a prideful and arrogant person their enemy is. With impatience they would get their opening for a one-strike kill, so they thought.
Enedra on the other hand seemed to give them what they wanted and Kazama took his hit with one blow and battle was over. But enedra had a surprise for Kazama in spare as his whole body was the trigger and not just a part of him, taking Kazama by surprise. Kazama was then "killed" by liquid blades inside his own combat body. Just like that. Just because he had not known one of his enemy's skills and got too close for what seemed a certain kill while in truth was just a trap to lure him in.

Now here comes a difference to HxH though. In HxH we often had then that when a friend/comrade got defeated the others would get "revenge" for him by somehow beating the opponent now that they knew more of his abilities. Pretty often they get told to run which ofc mostly they do not run away and then we get another battle.
in WT we have more "discipline" as we will see in the next chapter.
What is the biggest difference though is that in HxH the MCs had to fight and figure out their enemy at the same time, here we got besides that a whole role completely focused on supporting the fighters and analysing the enemy through the feedback they get from the trion bodies of the team they operate for. I like that as I usually don't see it as that easy to defend/attakc/etc while trying to think what the other guy/woman is capable off and how to defeat somebody you don't know everything about yet.

Chapter 57

Nice color page, red and black fits good to give the humanoid neighbors a dangerous/evil feeling.

I like how Enedra tries to rile Kikuchihara and Utagawa up to get them to attack him. And most likely would have succeeded to do so if it were not for Kazama ordering them to get out and talked some sense into them. I liked how Kazama used the example of a B-agent who Kikuchihara had uhm been quite frank with "you're weak after all" to tell those two that a B-agent was a "better agent", in the sense of following reason, logic and orders, than them who were hungry for revenge for their captain.
But they pulled out after all, showing Enedra that he does not deal with hot-blooded warriors but calculating fighters.

I wonder how long it takes till somebody can reform his combat body? Osamu was able to call forth his trion body twice on that day wheere the Marmods attacked his school, although he was unable to call his raygust. Maybe it depends from person to person?

Although we haven't seen Kou's fight, we can already see that he is darn impressive alright. He by himself was able to hold 3 rabits attention and not get killed by them. Seeing his body cracked and an arm lost did tell us though that killing all threee was too much for him. Still what he did was as if not more impressive than how Kitora dealt with that one rabit. He has the title as 4th best melee fighter not for nothing and that as B agent!

Guess he is another example of the free team system. I bet many A teams scouted him to join them but he wanted to stay with his team though with them he only reached B-8 rank so far. I'm sure we get to see more of him and that he will be the first melee fighter to give Yuuma trouble.

And then came, that guy really is on an entirely different level. Hard to believe he is not S-class with such skills and power.

He killed three rabits in the blink of an eye with his Senkuu option of his trigger, wow. This does show how differently teams operate like Kazama's stealth and analysing team while Kei by himself just crushes his opponents with sherr power. That armor that withstood Scorpion blades easily was like paper to his Kogetsu.

And then he asked for the rankings of who killed how many. XD
This did give it some sort of sport or game feeling which sort of makes sense. You don't get teens to join if all you promise them is blood and death of their comrades while protecting your town. Not dieing and seeing that you get rewards for kills and such sure must be a good motivation for many agents. Although i think this invasion was the first time Border had to fight such a large amount of enemies as well as humanoid enemies. I think many B and even some A agents will think differently from their job now on.

Was that a playstation or an xbox besides Yuu? <.<

And here's the biggest difference to HxH. HxH is about elite fighters fighting each other in groups depending on the situation but usually they can act indepently. Here we get a commander who orders many soldiers where to go, who to support, which area to protect and so on. We might get something similar in HxH with its newest arc where a large amount of people are setting off for the dark continent but for now WT has more "war-like" features than HxH. That's not essentiel a good or bad thing, but it is a different one from the other battle mangas in Jump. One I hope people might start to like (or where I fear people will hate).

I wanna know where Karasawa was on his business trip? Did he meet CEOS? Politicans? Military guys? Was he on a comic convention to buy mangas? >.<

And Amou again, defeats an entire Trion soldier army off-screen and is shown in the smoking remains, munching chips. XD
Maaaan, I really wanna see his black trigger ability, must be some sort of nuke from what I can see so far.

Jin talking about the futures he sees is always good and he got a big bomb right there!
He had seen a possible future where Osamu dies!
Interesting to note that he names it the worst future meaning he is either ordering them himself by the result or he could see a bit further into those possible future and saw that Osamu dieing meant bad business for him. Maybe Chika would leave Border after losing Osamu/Osamu dieing for her or maybe Yuuma would see less reason to be with Border and leaves for other worlds, who knows. What we know is that Jin said osamu dieing is the worst future, heck even Chika's capture was just the second-to -worst future compared to that.
I think this has something to do with what Jin told to kido that Osamu and Yuuma will become a valuable asset for Kido's future plans. With osamu dead this asset would be gone as well.

Anyway, onto ch.58!

Arashiyama was more shocked by those news than Yuuma. Maybe it is due Yuuma already have seen much death though it might be just that Jun really holds a good opinion of Osamu and doesn't want him to die, that's all. Mitsuru seems pretty relaxed though by those news, still the logcial thinker of the team.^^

I liked how Hyuse was surprised to see "bending bullets". His own nation never developed such a trigger nor seem they have encountered such a nation before. This could tell us that Border is actually pretty advanced in trigger technology but that they are lacking the hands and ressources yet to put that technology to its best use.

Old man Viza stops battle maiden Konami's hit just like that and with just a grin of his make her jump back to a safe distance! O-O
Yup, badass old man trope confirmed.

DAYUM! Hyuse's railgun weapon looks so much out of Halo universe as if Master Chief would jump in, do a pose and say "jo" - I want it!!!
And damn, is it fast. You see how the background distorted around his shot? Wow.
Magnetic power sure is strong when he can lift Chika up like that even if she is a small girl. Gj, Osamu, not letting another guy "catch" Chika. XD

And here comes again the whole "analyse and react and get the enemy to do what you want him to do to surpise him just to notice that he had a countermeasure up"-similarity with HxH!
Kyousuke shots Hyuse with Viper like before, Hyuse engulfs himself with a full shield to avoid getting hit, he can't see Reiji approaching and BASHING through his shield with his fist!!! And while Reiji did landed a nice blow it was not enough to take Hyuse out as he took some damage away thanks to his trigger which ofc Reiji took notice off and immediatley tried to think what would be best for this type of situation, resulting in his order for Kyousuke to retreat with osamu, Chika and the other c-agents.

I liked how he as well as SHinoda prioritized Chika and the other c-agents safety over the advantage of numbers to maybe take the neighbors out putting chika and the others at risk. I think we might get many such situation in the future, maybe even stuff like Kido or Shinoda ordering a team to hold off a wave of enemies to allow the rest of the troop to fall back and reorganize - 3 vs 100, or something like that. XD

Miwa gets shown how he has dealt with a rabit on his own. Those heavy bullets sure are very useful, I could see them getting more popular among Border's Gunners after this arc.

Back to Ranbein vs B-agents. Ranbein sure is fearless but given his many tiny shields who protect him well against the sniper's shots, he can walk around in the middle of the streets for all he wants to. xD
And here we get to see Izumi, Midorikawa and Yoneya who will engage Ranbei together with the B-agent. I like this battle a lot! Can't wait to see it fully translated (in english, not in french like it got done on batoto). Teams seem not only to train among themsleves but also with other teams, all three of them are each from a different team yet they already seem to have no problem following the order of Izumi as well as how to respond to each other when it comes down to that battle.
Which reminds me of how Kazama has not allowed the B-agent fighter to join the fray against the rabit and what reasoning he used. Kazama would probably had less problems if a sniper or gunner supported him as he could order him where to shot when and such though his chamelon trigger option makes it possible for snipers and gunners to hit him and his team as it seemed to have happen in that fight against Jin.

Hah, reading three WT chapters in english, what a treat! <3
Seems to be the last update for quite a while though. Maybe I should start to learn french and read the chapter 59-80 on french. <.<

What were your thoughts on those chapters given that they were given attention to mostly side characters?
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