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Old 2014-11-16, 12:12   Link #964
Rubiks Cube
Join Date: May 2014
Location: Mars
Age: 27
Originally Posted by ranchan13 View Post
What about Tsunade?
Kabuto would have beaten her if not for Naruto
She was only able to beat Orochimaru with the help of Jiraiya
Pein made her seem like any Konoha Genin (even Konohamaru beat one of the paths of Pein, seriously? Konohamaru?)
And the only contribution she had against Madara, arguably, is keeping the other 4 Kage alive long enough for Orochimaru to heal them.

Seems par for the course for female characters in Naruto
Really? Pain made EVERYONE in konoha look like a "genin" there's no shame in losing against him. Konohamaru took down the weakest pain by suprise. Even Jiraiya lost against pain... Wait even kakashi wait even Naruto lost so moot point there. I don't know if you read the manga but Tsunade was the one of the only people to actually land a hit on Madara which is no small feat heck she even broke a half susanoo. I'm sure without Tsunade the five kages wouldve died really stop underatting her...

Originally Posted by Akashin View Post
Kabuto overcame her using her hemophilia against her, if I'm not mistaken; I'm not sure what her strength or lack thereof has to do with anything there.

Likewise, I'm not sure why needing help to defeat Orochimaru is a point against her. Was Naruto weak during the Pain invasion because he would have lost to Pain without foreknowledge of Pain's abilities (and considerable interference from Kurama, for that matter)?

She doesn't have the greatest track record, no doubt about that, but I don't see how that makes her weak in a general sense.
Basically this.
Originally Posted by Kazu-kun View Post
A character who is supposed to be strong but never quite manage to win a fight on their own, is not really strong. Their supposed strength is just lip-service.
I don't know but I don't remember a a fight that Naruto won by himself maybe you have a skewed sense of strength but I remember Tsunade holding her own amongst the five kage. Most characters in Narutoverse don't win fights on their own. Especially against these S rank villains.
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