Thread: Licensed World Trigger [Manga]
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Old 2014-11-17, 11:58   Link #66
James Rye
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Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Germany
Chapter 73-75:

We get to see the snipers who took a shot at Hyrein: Narasaka, Shohei and Toma. We had seen them before though we get two new charas, Tsukimi, operator of Team Miwa and the captain of A2 Fuyushima, a special OPS called "trapper".
Hyrein loses too much trion as Narasaka and Toma manages to shot through the little holes in his fish shield. Moira comes in and takes over the sniper position by warping some rabits over there.
Still, Izumi thinks he won this now as Hyrein had lost too much trion by now. Too bad Hyrein's BT allows him to take-in the trion he had turned into cubes with his animals. And Izumi had to bail-out to prevent getting captured.

Kyousuke aka Karasuma aka Torimaru tries to buy enough time for Osamu to get to HQ by entering Geist mode, taking out a rabit in one strike and trying to take down Hyrein. We see the reason why in a flashback where Jin tells him that he won't be able to change the future for Chika and Osamu as he will be defeated by somebody.
Which exactly happened, kinda scary how accurate Jin's foresight is.
However he put up a nice fight, too bad though that he was not buying time as he thought he was just kept busy and away from the HQ when Moira returned to get Hyrein back to capture Osamu.

What I really liked about this chapter was that a surprise attack in a shounen finally did its frikking purpose: Take out a strong figther in a single strike.
No immortal or illusion or "aha, I am the one behind you" bs, a straight hit from behind due trion bullet fishes send through a warp portal of Moira. Those two got a nice combo going there.
Yet Karasuma's defeat didn't seem to have been for naught as the future did shifted again, for the better or worse, who knows. Maybe it was good that he got defeated as now Border has more information about the portal work and that surprise attack won't be a surprise when they use it next time.

With no Border agents nearby to hold Hyrein away from them, Osamu and Replica make a run through the houses as Hyrein's fishes can't shoot through the walls. Thanks to Hyuse's magnet spikes they can locate his position though and with Moira's warp control they can send the fish swarms inside the houses, sealing off the escape way. Osamu gets hit by some jellyfish traps and Replica's clone, send out to open the HQ door when they arrive, got taken out by Moira.
Osamu and Replica are caugth, their option limited as they can't fight two BTs and their remaining options don't speak too good for them.

This is where the "hero" shows up: Miwa walks down the street, declaring he will handle it.
A single A ranked agent against two Black Trigger user, oh boy, that will either be a short fight, or it will show how even a "in power weaker" fighter can deal with powerful enemies by using the right tactic thanks to the right equipment coupled with the right informations.

But before that fight happens, Osamu asks Miwa to take the Chika-cube and get her to safety which reminds Miwa of the day he lost his sister. Something he doesn't seem to like to remember for obvious reasons.
Man, there sure were a lot of dead bodies with holes in their chests, doubt they will show that scene in the anime if they get there that is.
Well, Miwa kicks the hell outta Osamu, tells him he doesn't care and that he should not depend on others. Man, he's pretty hardcore. Kind of an ass as well, but an understandable ass.
It ends with Miwa telling Hyrein he gonna get killed (I don't doubt Miwa will cut off Hyrein's real head once he has destroyed the trion body one) and chapter ends. Next chapter the fight will finaly start while Osamu gonna try to get Chika to safety.

Raw 83:

Spoiler for Spoiler for chapter 83:

Q&As from volume 5-8:

Spoiler for Q&A Stuff from WT:

I found the "old Border" one interesting. Border existed far longer than 4-5 years given that Yuuma is the child of a Boder agent who traveled the neighborhood and a neighbor woman (if that is the case, we know yet nothing about Yuuma's mother). Border seems to have existed for a long time but as an underground organisation, taking care of Trion soldiers in secret before they went public after that huge attack on Mikado city.
Also liked the question where we heard that such warp gates are opening up everywhere in the world, but the whole world belives that the y exist only in MIkado city due their prominence there as well as the other gates being too small and taking only some people (and since ten thousands or even hundred thousands of people go missing every year who woul believe some of them got captured by aliens? XD). I wonder if that means that Border is everywhere in the world and that maybe someday we get an US Border and a EU Border and a world-wide Border organisation, creating an army armed with alien technology, a threat to any superpower/nation on earth as the public sees Border agents more and more as heroes and saviors while their own goverments lose power and reputation in the raise of Border. Well, we gotta see where this manga will lead us.^^
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