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Old 2006-04-20, 07:04   Link #74
Kira_Naruto, the ecchi
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: Dec 2005
How nice, you include Cag's achievement including those from GS yet with Lacus is confined to her achievement in GSD alone. Lacus main priority was never to rule any nation, but to reduce the hospility between Natural and Coordinator to the minimum level achieved. And she managed that in the end of GS.. Once the peace achieved, she chose to leave in isolation, she was never a leader of a nation to begin with and was never obligated to lead a nation unlike Cagalli who inherit Orb from her father.

Sadly I must admit that GSD lack presentation of her true power, but dismissing those are only act of ignorant. She was shown capable of having those power back in GS and achieving those power was not unachievable in GSD for her.. even Gil accepted that she have a great influence to PLANT. And people keep dismissing "the little notebook" do you really, really believe that the whole DP was laid out in that single page ... Its a diary, surely you cant expect they showed every single page ??? (of course it could be present better -- but hey, its GSD, and it lack of proper time left at that time to finished everything) The single page was shown as an icon to represent the whole thing >.>
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