Thread: Licensed Shingeki no Bahamut
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Old 2014-12-22, 17:13   Link #579
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2004
Huh, this episode.

I TOLD YOU LAVALLEY WAS A BAD GUY! I wonder, though. Is Lavalley = Martinet? What on earth would he be doing there otherwise? And it can't be a coincidence that Rita suspects that Martinet is not actually a demon.


1) Jeanne has just murdered all four archangels like that. Well. At least she's back to normal... yay?

2) It's really hard to take demon!Favaro seriously with those adorable little afro-horns. I wonder what they are - does he have actual horns that can't fully reach out from under his hair, or are they fully hair?

3) Rita steals the show again.

4) Kaisar keeps falling.

5) I really, really hope this wasn't supposed to be the last confrontation between Kaisar and Favaro. I expect the climax of the story will involve Amira and Favaro, but I really hope that Kaisar will get to interact with them (especially Favaro) before everything is said and done...

By the way, I think this is kind of the proof that Kaisar is the better fighter of the two? Demon!Favaro had all the evil drive plus the fang-sword, and Kaisar still had the upper hand. (Unless of course Favaro was holding back, but Kaisar probably would've noticed that.) Of course there's no way Favaro is dead...

6) So where's Lucifer? There's no way he's not aware of what's going on by now, and Azazel is already there trying to defeat Beel.

7) Cerberos... ;_____;
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