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Old 2015-01-05, 08:09   Link #5548
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Join Date: Sep 2013
Originally Posted by Levani View Post
Did Kiritsugu knew about Lesser Grail/Greater Grail stuff? And since Ilya knew everything about Angra Mainyu, does this mean Irisviel did too? If so, why didn't she warn Kerry?

Oh and do we know what Waver was up to during 5th war? I can't imagine that he wouldn't get himself involved at all.
Kiritsugu's task was to win the war and get back the Third Magic, and if what Kirei said was true, the Einzberns taught him everything about the Grail War. He knew about the Grail system. Also, he placed bombs near the leylines that lead to the Greater Grail beneath the Ryuudou Temple. Unfortunately, they were supposed to detonate 30-40 years after the Fourth War. He didn't realize the next War would happen in only ten years. Iri probably didn't know the Grail was corrupted, the Einzberns must have found out what went wrong after Kiritsugu destroyed the Lesser Grail.

Waver... well, I don't know what Waver was doing, but the Association sent their agents to Fuyuki. One was Bazett, the other from an enemy faction inside the Clock Tower that Bazett later killed. Kirei also kind of counted as an agent, as he was the supervisor who worked for both the Church and the Association.
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