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Old 2015-01-10, 18:10   Link #129
Hiding Under Your Bed
Join Date: May 2008
Ah, Slayne. Going off the deep end, I see. Because everyone knows what a woman really wants is a crazy-obsessive fixation fantasy.

It'll be interesting to see the explanation for the activation factor spreading. If it's really as easy as it appears to be, then the royal family has been playing a heck of a shell game all those years.

Even taking into account that it's a work of fiction, it's still a bit mind boggling that an invasion force that drops from orbit, powered by technology on orders of magnitude ahead of Earth's, hasn't managed to largely wipe out major resistance. Though, it appears to have been implied by the Count that Earth is stealing technology from the surrendered orbital castles.
It feels like years since they've been updated, btw.
Also, cake.
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