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Old 2015-01-11, 10:12   Link #72
The one whom passes by
Join Date: Dec 2013
While I did enjoy the episode this week, I can't help but think they could've paced it out abit more
and further explore Kanami's group and their personalites and relationships with each other.

It's a bit tease just to show them without any solid storyline background and just beliefly mention
there history together with fast bullet point statements before quickly moving onto the
next one trying to claim so much into episode.

Tho I did enjoy the added bit of how Kanami has a mental image of Shiro to help her
in situations to make things more clear and better, similar to Shiro with Kanami to help
him with social matters..

But he has the shorter stick between the two lol ^^'
Poor Tour Guide
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