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Old 2015-01-24, 15:50   Link #62
Terrestrial Dream
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Tesla Leicht Institute
Age: 34
Originally Posted by DevilHighDxD View Post
I had nothing to hate on Slaine, I just hate dick-ish move and I hate flip-flopping a-hole. He killed Saazbaum because he tried to kill Asseylum, do I have to remind you a particular scene in S1 where Saazbaum outright say he gonna kill Asseylum? What did Slaine did? Nothing. Now all of sudden, you killed Saazbaum for nearly killing Asseylum even though he did that as well in S1? Can he make up his mind what side he truly on?

He not Lelouch, please don't even remotely tried to compared someone with brain to someone that doesn't. He the Suzaku of Aldnoah, even then at least Suzaku can provide us with great fighting scenes.
He was using Saazbaum and waiting for the right time to kill him. If he had killed him there, Asseylum would be dead.

And he did try to stab Saazbaum season 1 if you forgot about it.
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