Thread: Licensed Simoun
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Old 2006-04-25, 13:44   Link #231
The Commissar Vanishes
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Tallinn, Estonia
Age: 41
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That was one funny glitch. 8)

I am officially freaked out by the fact that men in Simoun-land have feminine voices. And I don't mean just the bishounen like the commander, but everyone. It's just weird. Add that to the fact that some men seem to have breasts (like Waporif), and this show makes for a bit of a disorienting watch.

I liked episode 4, but still doesn't click with me as far as the whole series is concerned. I wish they'd introduce at least some elements of a major plot line, instead of just doing character interaction or establishing the world. Which is important as well, but now it's really taking away from the plot.

Also, what's wrong with Morinas? She didn't seem so playful last time? She seemed strong, determined, dedicated in her goals. But now she is smooching with Aael AND she can't hangle piloting a Simoun?


Next week: another Rimone episode.
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