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Old 2015-02-12, 00:08   Link #1
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Join Date: Dec 2005
One Piece - Chapter 776 [manga]

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Break's over, and spoiler's out! Credit goes to AP's Redon and Aohige for the summary:

-Chapter title is "Hero of the Coliseum". In the ministory, it's explained that the reason the town was attacked by the sea beasts was because the ruins they were sleeping in was moved to the surface.

-After defeating Pink, Franky passes out from exhaustion, but not before telling the Tontattas to destroy the factory themselves. As he loses consciousness, he says he'll leave the rest to Luffy. Meanwhile, we focus on Kyros vs. Diamante. It turns out the exec is quite an accomplished swordsman himself, and uses his flapping ability to evade Kyros' attacks. As he continues to mock an exhausted Kyros, the executive officer uses an attack attack where he uses fireworks to shoot spiked balls in the air, which rain down on not only Kyros, but Robin and Rebecca as well!

-While everyone else is able to guard themselves from the balls, Kyros only swings his sword to brush them aside. Diamante then takes the opportunity to shoot the gladiator's leg, making him vulnerable to the deadly rain. Rebecca tries to help her father, but Robin restrains her. Furthermore, Kyros tells her to stay back anyway, as she must respect her promise to her mother. As Diamante asks him if he's made of iron to withstand his attacks, Kyros merely responds that he's made of rage instead.....

-As Kyros rushes towards Diamante, the executive gets ready to finish him off with his strongest attack, telling him he'll meet his end as his wife did. However, the single-legged warrior counters him with Trueno Bastard, a powerful thunder slash! And thus, the first of the 3 executives is down for the count....

...Man, I'm honestly a little disappointed that Diamante is down already. Well, at least it was a nice fight while it lasted. Still, I guess Oda is as eager as the rest of us to get straight to Luffy vs. Dofla already, lol.

Last edited by marvelB; 2015-02-12 at 03:57.
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