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Old 2015-02-12, 02:26   Link #630
Osana-Najimi Shipper
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Mt. Ordeals
Yeah, not sure why people were complaining about KE when Tempest is BROKEN. Pretty sure it's going to be patched sooner or later, as fire flask should only make skills not cost stamina but still cost focus. I personally don't use it as it's obviously not in the intent of the creators to work that way.

That said, I personally think Tempest still is the best class in the game WITHOUT the Fire Flask + Focus ability combo. Ice Flask for near invulnerability, Fire Flask for mucho damage, Lightning Flask for the 'oh shit' moments when you need to revive someone (or 'cheat' with some of the time sensitive puzzles hehehehe). Extra slots for potions (8 charges of healing mist for bosses? On average 10 charges with the passive? YES PLEASE!), chance for free use of a healing potion (obviously not intended but you can't avoid this), and still respectable damage compared to assassin. It's also weapon independent, being as good with dual daggers as it is with a bow, so they can fit in ANY team.

Sure Barrier is still the #1 must have skill of the game, and KE has a passive that makes it so much better, but I've done a Necro + Rift Mage playthrough in Nightmare, and it wasn't that much more difficult than my double KE playthrough.

For tank, I've found Champion to be better in most situations since very few enemies or even bosses are immune to his (eternal) taunt. Templar though is surprisingly good with double KE where you don't really care much about taunt, since everyone in your party is melee and everyone should be in range to get hit by every barrier. In that case, the party wide defense+offense buffs and the AoE stun was much more useful, and not to mention Templar focus ability rocks.

Tempest though is leaps and bounds above all the other Rogue classes even without the exploit. Like seriously.

Fire Mine is so much better than Immolate for KE once you have the core skills (All of the left side KE skills until you get knight protector, all of the right side of Spirit until Strength of Spirit, Fire skills until Clean Burn, Energy Barrage). The reason for this is because Immolate with lightsaber spam+Clean burn has a CD of 6s when the initial damage is 400% with 150% burning damage (which burns longer than the CD of the spell). Meaning every rotation of Immolate has an effective dps of only 217% with a mana cost of 5.83 per second.

Fire Mine on the other hand is 1600% initial damage + 200% per sec for 8+2s. So that's a whopping 3600 over 10s, or 360% dps. And since the CD on Fire Mine is 24s, or 12s if you spam spells like you should be doing as a KE, that's an effective dps of 300% per rotation of Fire Mine with a mana cost of 2.91 per second. So 38% more damage for half the mana cost, with a bigger upfront damage to boot too. It's also more Chaotic Focus friendly since the CD of Fire Mine is effectively the CD of your Barrier (12s), so you can always cast it at full effectiveness if you really like using half your barrier (which I personally dont but I know many who do like the big numbers).

Sure you have to 'lead' with Fire Mine, but IMO the added benefit of flinging the enemy into the air and knocking them prone (aka built-in CC) far outweighs the cons of using Fire Mine once you have the skill points to afford it. The mana cost as well is noticeable once you finished your reserves, as lightsaber + barrier spam already costs more mana per second (10 + 4.167 = 14.167) than you can generate (50 mana every 8 seconds = 6.25 * 1.5 Combat Clarity * 1.35 Rejuv Barrier = 12.66). So when you do have a breather and are able to get more mana by stopping lightsaber spam, Fire mine gives you more bang for your buck once you have an extra 35 mana to spare.

Of course, if you're not in nightmare, anything works.

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