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Old 2015-02-15, 06:03   Link #1053
He Without a Title
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: The land of tempura
PS Vita doesn't deserve bad reputation - Drinkbox

"If people don't see the Vita doing the same number of sales as the 3DS, then it's automatically a failure," McQuinn said. "But I think what people fail to understand is the purchasers of Vitas are very, very engaged game consumers. For them, the attach rate with games is very high. There might not be a lot of Vitas out there, but the people who do own Vitas are very serious consumers; they buy a lot of games."
Emphasis mine. I would actually love to see Sony share some attach rate numbers for the Vita. I'm guessing they are insanely huge compared to virtually every console before it. Does anyone remember another console that might beat the Vita for attach rate?
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