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Old 2006-04-29, 20:01   Link #101
Join Date: Dec 2004
Age: 37
Yea! the second episode is subbed; thanks to KissSub

I like the set-up for the anime, it makes you want to watch more and more.. but you have to wait >.< I didn't expect anything from the show yet I'm anticipating it more then nearly all the new shows out. Interesting enough Thor isn't annoying at all, I thought he might be at some point but he just isn't and the whole husband thing.. was interesting, even though some of the dialogue seems a bit typical its not bad. The relationships so far are played out well though it was a little strange how the women pick someone and that final, but its in tune with the society the live in so everything thing is ok. Well I like Tiz alot, even though she goes on about wanting to be thor husband.. she has a brain of her own which seems to be left out in some other anime >.<

Alot of talk on Rai... I dont think he is dead yet.. unless you see his body being ripped apart then nothing is certain. They are twins and showing things to come in the opening points towards twists of all sorts.

Some gifs, all under 50kb ex. one >.<

<- to big for animesuki >.<

Last edited by evil-samurai; 2006-04-30 at 10:08.
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