Thread: Licensed Akatsuki no Yona [Manga]
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Old 2015-03-27, 16:29   Link #26
Join Date: Mar 2015
Originally Posted by BPD Renegade View Post
Dunno. IMO, the story doesn't look anywhere close to completion. The shield and sword have yet to be revealed or even mentioned. In terms of character motivations and how things will develop, not a lot of answers have been given. I think at best, we could be near the half-way point, now that all the main characters somewhat touched on. And that's only if the manga-ka goes headlong into the conclusion. The manga's been going strong for over five years. I could easily see it go on for another few.
I started reading the manga and got almost to the end of the english version and now I have to agree. There is no hurry and the main plot is barely touched upon.

I find this manga unusual in many ways, this development is one of them. Usually when a fantasy manga becomes long (goes past 10 volumes) it's either all action & plot (Claymore, for example) or all romance (pretty much every long shoujo manga) but Yona is neither while it has some elements of both. It is a very confident story that allows itself to linger on character development for even some very secondary characters (Tae-Jun, I'm talking about you.)

Oh, and I started to really like Ki-Ja. He's neglected in the anime once the story moves past their original meeting, but he's such a interesting character and I find his personality and outlook to be one of the most unusual things the manga has to offer. His attitude, too--usually when you see someone who is like a "monster' but actually loves being one and considers it a noble and beautiful thing, that character will be a villain or at least an anti-hero.
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