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Old 2015-04-03, 15:02   Link #26
Hidetoshi Nakata
Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: Germany
Originally Posted by azurestratos View Post
I beg to differ.
Slaine had fought in Tharsis, in multiple episodes. All his dramas are also mostly political involving the war and commanding his assets.

Just that he received more screentime of his relationships with his close characters. In mecha anime, this is only reserved for the heroes, which is a cliche' trope. For example, we know more about the personal relationships of Kira Yamato with a dozen different characters, meanwhile the villain Le Creuset, who for the majority of 40+ episodes remain enigmatic. At most we only see him interacting with few important characters.

The same can be said about Durandal, villain of season 2, who never once stepped into battle or in a mobile suit, but focused on political drama and manipulation.

The mecha trope usually is the villain never gets much screentime to showcase their human side. Only the heroes have that. We only know bits and pieces of the villain past, enough to sympathize or respect, but not more than how we sympathize the hero.

The hero gets multiple scenes of romance, if not everytime before an important battle, or one whole episode of beach and relationship drama. The villain never get that.

A/Z subverts this trope of unfair personal screentime and enigmatic villain. Slaine had as much screentime to show his motivations and human qualities, while Inaho is the enigmatic character that many fans only know him in his battles.
The role of Slaine in Aldnoah.Zero is not the same role as Le Creuset and Durandal had played in Gundam, both were just villains, they were not directly linked how to antagonists and rivals from the Kira.
The role of Slaine in Aldnoah.Zero is Rival, antagonist and villain for Inaho.
Was explicit in the anime, that there was hatred and rivalry from Slaine about Inaho.
His role is more like those that were occupied by first Athrun and later by Shinn.
The same paper was played by Char in Gundam.
Another error his antagonists and rivals have personal screentime and romantic moments, Char, Athrun and Shinn they all had very screentime.
When you ask the question who is the antagonist and rival the Kira?
No one will quote Le Creuset and Durandal, because they are the global villains the anime.
You find as response Athrun and Shinn.
The same is repeated for Amaru, they remind of Char and not Zeon.
In Buddy Complex, The antagonist and rival Aoba is Bizon, not Zogilia which is the global villain.
The big problem of his argument is that Slaine is connected directly to an antagonistic rivalry on Inaho.
So the comparisons with global villains should not be used.
You must quote characters, through the antagonism and rivalry, just played the role of villain.
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