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Old 2015-04-03, 20:00   Link #33
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Originally Posted by zalem View Post
I don't want to go back and rewatch this series because it's too boring, but when did one of his strategies fail spectacularly? What were the consequences of said failure? Like I said, it's about having that tension in the series. And I just didn't feel it.
The first time he went against Vlad. His Kat was almost at it's limit and he would have died if Mizusaki didn't arrive.

When they were defending against Femianne. Inaho couldn't deflect the last arm and could have died if Slaine didn't arrive.

When he fought against Saazbaum the second time. He fell into Slaine's trap and would have died if Inko didn't follow him.

When they fought against Countess Rafia. Although the strategy of this operation cannot be attributed to Inaho it still doesn't change the fact that even when he was there he was unable to cope up with the situation and was forced to retreat.

As I've mentioned earlier... sure I won't deny that the show didn't really do a good job in giving Inaho's fights tension but it wasn't like everything went smoothly for him as some of you are claiming.
Homura: Die monster! You don't belong in this world!
Kyubey: It was not by my hand that I am once again given flesh. I was called here by humans who wish to pay me tribute.
Homura: Tribute? You steal girls' souls, and make them your slaves!
Kyubey: Perhaps the same could be said of all religions.
Homura: Your words are as empty as your soul! Lolis ill-needs a savior such as you!
Kyubey: What is a loli? A miserable little pile of moe! But enough talk...have at you!
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