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Old 2015-04-07, 10:24   Link #45
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Australia
To be honest, it was just really bad. I means it probably will work somewhat if it's an original cast. But here character design is one, but everyone was also felt so out of character even in alternative universe standard. Nagato is obvious. But even Kyon, Ryoko, and especially Tsuruya.

And considering half of what made the original Haruhi good in the first place was Kyon thoroughly narrative (and all of his creative and sarcastic remark). While in this case, apparently narrative came mostly from Nagato. Made me wondering why didn't they just make an original series instead if everything made the Haruhi franchise good in the first place was replaced

Maybe i was just expecting something else, but a it's a real let down.
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