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Old 2006-05-04, 08:17   Link #112
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: The Fields of High Attus
Age: 34
Originally Posted by miaka
I am surprise to know that Saad/Third CV is Shun Oguri. He is also cv of Alphonse in FMA-movie and a popular dorama idol ( Gakusen, Densha Otoko, GTO, Nana- movie). Its very unusual to have two popular idols in the same anime as CV.

With regard to op/cl theme, there is no tentative date for future release. I am also keeping an eye on it.
Well, consider that this is the so-far amazingly successful Noitamina slot - the producers know that the females are watching and more may continue watching; so they always keep the female audience in mind while producing things. I remember while briefly browsing responses on 2ch and on blogs, quite a number seemed to be absolutely fawning over the last arc of Ayakashi because THE Sakurai was voicing the main character. (Admittedly, I fawn over it too, and Sakurai si teh win, but it's not the only reason.) So yeah, it is unusual to have 2 popular male idols in one tv anime show, but this slot was intended as unusual, for latenight anime that is...

It's frankly amazing that shows at this time could get ratings of 3.* and above; so if they put these dudes in they a. excite the existing watchers/female otaku, and b. attract the existing fanbase of these people. Really, look at the music production for the shows in this slot so far - many of them use songs by mainstream artists, not those who are simply known among otaku (examples being things like KOTOKO, eufonius...).

I'd think they're largely the type of artists you don't usually throw in for late-night shows (though I wouldn't say it with 100% certainty, of course). Yet they appear here, perhaps because they aim for it to be different from the usual latenight anime slot, and they can market it to a more "normal" audience.

Although I'm kind of pulling much of this out of my ass, and I don't know if some of those artists are actually so-called "forgotten" enough to be swept off to anime, it would make sense to me. Just a quick look at the Noitanima anime so far:

Honey and Clover - Suga Shikao and SPITZ. Also YUKI.
Paradise Kiss - FRANZ FERDINAND?! I don't know how popular Tommy February6 is though.
Ayakashi - Chitose Hajime. And the songwriter was Yumi Arai (now known as Yumi Matsutouya), who some of you may recognize as the singer of Rouge no Dengon (Kiki's Delivery Service hit theme). I don't really know about Rhymestar though...

And for the girls who know BONES, the studio name is another draw.

Urr, this is where I should attempt to say something about the show. I wouldn't say it was the best show of the year - I guess I want something a bit more exciting about it and perhaps the manga was more fresh and innovative back in '93, I dunno... I'll wait till ep 6 though, I'm waiting slowly. And Koichi Domoto please don't screw up.
Thanks for the fish
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