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Old 2015-04-19, 03:05   Link #17
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Originally Posted by Anh_Minh View Post
I wonder, if Einhart's so set on not treating martial arts as a hobby, on protecting people and fighting strong, bad guys... Why didn't she enlist in the TSAB? They're all about child soldiers. Like Nanoha, Fate, Caro or Erio.
I think it might be partly because Einhart is still trying to come to terms with her ancestral memory (she seems to have alot of difficulty distinguishing Claus memory with her own personal memories, if her breakdown scene this episode was any indication). Partly, because she probably was looking for the Sankt Kaiser clone (Vivio). And I imagine, committing to the military is a big life decision - this is hardly what a girl suffering from a severe identity crisis would probably be considering.

And formally speaking, it seems that what Einhart was doing doesn't seem to be an outright crime - since no reports were lodged against her formally speaking (again, I might be wrong here). Of course, until she attacked Nove, which, probably counts as attacking a TSAB Official. My interpretation of Einhart's actions, was that Einhart was on some level crying out for attention.

But yes, Einhart probably would fit in with the TSAB well. Once she stabilizes psychologically - I don't think she's that mentally sound right now, given her issues with her ancestor's memories.
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