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Old 2015-05-04, 07:06   Link #85
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Hamburg
Age: 54
I'm sure that several mods will be groaning and rolling their eyes seeing me repeat this, but the increasingly restrictive rules on the AS forum have been taking their tolls. Many formerly active people with run-ins with mods over board policy have left - and while it's naturally true that this is a normal thing on boards in general, it's my personal insignificant opinion that many long-standing AS members wouldn't have left for greener pastures if AS hadn't employed what I feel is an increasingly invasive moderation.

Also, is it really just the overall stabilization/decline of the anime market? I don't have easy access to objective numbers, but in my observation the manga/light novel board seems comparably lively, though that could also be caused by a higher number of subforums on the anime side. Most of the people on my anime/manga/LN contact list are nowadays discussing LNs and mangas rather than anime. However, the latest rule adjustment on AS made it clear that especially the light novels community is explicitly NOT seen as a target group for AS - this was explicitly spelled out to me in a former thread. Consequently, with the interest of the community gradually shifting away from anime and towards LNs, AS is losing out.

It would be really interesting to see the aggregate usage numbers of the anime subtree (number of total posts per year since its inception) compared to the aggregate usage numbers of the manga/LN board.
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