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Old 2015-05-07, 21:47   Link #36465
Cosmic Eagle
Join Date: Jan 2009
Originally Posted by SaintessHeart View Post
After the late 1980s Operation Spectrum, there has been a general fear of witness or legal assistance for anyone convicted of "sedition". Hence no one is willing to stand for him.

There is alot of political motivation behind this case being pushed to court, ranging from overzealous Christians and political supporters of the incumbent. The case would most likely be a conviction, may or not amount to charge, and quickly swept under the carpet to prevent social unrest.
That kid is a sociopath.... not sociopath as in nut job but sociopath as in fearless and completely self-focused.

They should train him rather than punish him. Certain jobs require such mental states and there should be a role for people like that

Originally Posted by Mr Hat and Clogs View Post
Assessments/projects. A good lot of the units at my Uni consist of minor and major assessments making the bulk of the mark with quiz's tossed in at a ratio of like 30/50/20% respectively (with the % divided into how many bits they have). Some don't bother with the quizzes and the minor assessment is broken up into pieces spread over the semester. It doesn't quite work for every unit yet, but they'll get to it eventually I'd say. The argument is that it's a better method of reinforcement, since exams are more about regurgitation then practical application.

Honestly, everyone knows you learn more on the job than in school anyway. The whole "get a toilet paper to secure your career" is just a big pantomime

Originally Posted by monster View Post
Including one or more projects is fine, although it probably doesn't apply to all courses, but I don't see a difference between exams and assessments/quizzes.

An individual project more closely resembling what one would encounter in such a line would be of more practical benefit if you ask me. It's not perfect or completely free of arbitrariness but it's better than standardized exams
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