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Old 2015-05-10, 14:47   Link #11
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Originally Posted by hinode View Post
The Apollo/Silvia/Reika team makes me think they're using the OVA continuity for the original Aquarion team - that's not a combo that the TV series used very often, but the OVAs focused on that trio, with everyone else sidelined (except Pierre to an extent).
Aw, I hope not. I didn't like the OVAs, I thought they were taking themselves way too seriously for something as silly as Aquarion. I hope this OVA will be as over-the-top and silly and romantic as it's supposed to be, without the horrors that plagued poor Evol. (I also hope Zessica will be back to her old self instead of being the badly written mess that she became in the second half of Evol. Also, please just give poor Amata and Mikono enough screentime...)

Also, Mykage. I'd kill for a Touma/Mykage scene!
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